十大国际老虎机平台的风暴保护计划确定并优先考虑在极端天气事件后可靠性提高最大的架空线路. 目前, about 50% of 坦帕电's power lines are underground, mostly in areas of new construction, 哪些是由开发者支付的. 十大国际老虎机平台的目标是每年将75 - 100条目标架空线路改为地下线路.
When we identify targeted overhead lines that need to be undergrounded, 十大国际老虎机平台开始了一个全面的外展过程,与业主和社区合作,制定地下部分电路的计划.
Here are the stages of undergrounding power lines:
- 评价: A data-driven process to identify overhead lines most prone to outages.
- 设计: 拟建新地下线路的路线,以及评估现有的电表基座,以确定是否需要安装电表基座适配器.
- 仪表底座适配器 may need to be added so your current meter can accept the underground cables. Our team will work with you to determine the best meter base adapter for your home. 大小和配置可能有所不同.
- 地役权: We will secure necessary easements along the proposed underground route. This provides permission to install and maintain equipment on the route.
- 日程安排和场地准备: Stakes and flags will mark the proposed route and equipment placement. These markings will show the existing public and private underground utilities.
- 建设: 在可能的情况下,电缆将采用最小冲击定向钻进技术进行安装, and the transformer and/or pedestal (or handhole) will be installed.
- Padmounted变形金刚 allow underground connections to be maintained safely. The location is ultimately determined by electric load and route. Average size: 40" wide x 36" deep x 34" high.
- 底座(或把手孔) may also be 使用d to reliably extend the underground system. Average size: 23" wide x 15" deep x 18" high.
- 转换: To energize the new underground cable; there will be a scheduled outage and installation of a meter base adapter, 如果需要.
- 除开销: The overhead electric lines will be removed.
- 房地产恢复: Once all other phases are complete, our crews will remove poles where possible and will restore damaged property
Please watch our video to learn how:
- SPP有利于你的邻居.
- 十大国际老虎机平台和你沟通了SPP.
- Power lines are placed underground and why.
- Your property is restored when our work is complete.
A. No. 该法律要求公用事业公司制定一个10年计划,加强十大国际老虎机平台的电力系统,以更好地抵御极端天气事件, 提高客户的可靠性,减少客户停机时间和恢复成本. Installing certain power lines underground can be a portion of the plan.
A. 今天, about 50 percent of 坦帕电's power lines are underground, mostly in areas of new construction and paid for by the developers. 公共服务委员会要求公用事业公司以尽可能低的成本向客户提供电力, which in most cases is overhead construction.
A. 十大网赌靠谱网址平台与一家独立的工程公司合作,进行了广泛的分析,以确定每条架空线路对极端天气事件的脆弱性. 然后, we determined the cost and customer benefit of converting those lines to underground, which helped to prioritize the projects. The plan calls for 75 - 100 miles to be converted to underground every year. 一旦最终评估完成, 坦帕电 will identify areas and neighborhoods that will be undergrounded, 十大国际老虎机平台将开始一个全面的外联过程,与业主和社区合作,制定一项将这些路段地下化的计划. 电路将优先考虑,以确保每个区域的工作和客户利益同时发生.
A.如果你的邻居今年将受到风暴保护计划的影响,十大网赌靠谱网址平台将与你联系. 十大网赌靠谱网址平台有超过6个,000英里的架空电线, 十大国际老虎机平台的工作将集中在能够在极端天气下最大程度提高可靠性的线路上.
A. 在SPP早期阶段, 十大网赌靠谱网址平台将在地下铺设几乎完全为居民区的家庭和企业服务的横向线路. 将电力输送到社区的干线架空配电“馈线”电路将优先用于单独的加固活动.
As an overview of our system; high-voltage power lines carry electricity from power stations to substations, and distribution lines deliver the electricity to our customers. 最大的配电线路——初级或主要馈线——将电力从变电站输送到社区. Lateral lines then bring electricity into neighborhoods, to homes and businesses.
虽然加强系统的工作将包括在一些社区建立地下设施, the lines serving the neighborhoods may still remain overhead.
A. 是的. SPP提高了系统的可靠性,缩短了极端天气事件后所有客户恢复服务的时间. 因此,所有客户都将从SPP中受益,并分担该计划的成本.
A. The time required will vary among projects. 在规划和执行项目时,业主和社区组织将得到建议.
A. 为了进行必要的连接,将计划与工作相关的中断. Property owners will be notified in advance of a scheduled outage. 从架空服务到地下服务的最终转换通常需要4小时或更短的时间.
A. 十大网赌靠谱网址平台不补偿客户的地役权所需的地下. If we are not able to secure the necessary easements or land rights, we will look for other viable solutions.
A. A project team will meet with you to discuss the proposed project plan and layout. Underground lines enter ground-level, pad-mounted transformers from below, keeping connections safely inside and out of view. 每个垫装变压器的位置由电力负荷计算和地下线路路线确定. We will adapt the meter base at the customer's home to accept cables from underground, 使用米基适配器.
A. 十大网赌靠谱网址平台在SPP的地下项目的重点是将架空电力线路转换为地下电力线路,为一个地区或社区服务, including homes and other existing electrical services, 比如路灯.
A. To minimize disruption to landscaping, 十大网赌靠谱网址平台计划使用定向钻井代替露天挖沟或挖掘. 十大国际老虎机平台会与业主合作,确定可接受的地下线路铺设路径.
A. Respecting and restoring property are top priorities. 十大国际老虎机平台在施工期间和施工后与客户合作,尽量减少影响和不便. After we complete our work, 坦帕电 will restore any damaged property.
A. Some of our telecommunications partners also own poles that other utilities, 包括十大国际老虎机平台, 使用. 十大网赌靠谱网址平台将与电信和有线电视公司合作,探索同时在地下安装线路. 每个项目将分别由通信公司和有线电视公司进行评估. 如果电信设备仍然在头顶,电线杆将需要留在原地. 项目团队负责人可以为每个项目区域提供有关极点状态的详细信息.